COADS Latest Release


COADS on CD-ROM - Latest Release

Release 1 of COADS was created from global marine observations recorded from 1854 to 1979, and an interim release was created for the years 1980 to 1990. (Since then Release 1a of the COADS has been released for the years 1980-1992. This new release contains more observations than does the interim release and in a new format. Work is underway to make this new release available in a similar manner.) The raw data were converted from various formats, sorted, and quality controlled to eliminate duplicate reports. The initial data processing resulted in Long Marine Reports (LMR) that contain the complete observational record. The data were processed further to create various summarized and compressed data products. One of these products, CMR.5, contains the data extracted by the CODE program. CMR.5 is a packed binary version of the most commonly used parts of LMR and consists of approximately 100 million individual observations.