Mixed layer depth criteria

Three mld criteria were used to compute the mld files available on PFEL/GLOBEC web site

mld.t - computed based on constant temperature difference criterion, T(0)-T(mld)=0.5 degree C, where T(0) and T(mld) are values of temperature at the ocean surface and at the bottom of mixed layer correspondingly.

mld.pd - computed based on the constant potential density difference criterion, pd(0)-pd(mld)=0.125 in sigma units.

mld.pdvar - computed based on variable potential density criterion pd(0)-pd(mld)=var(T(0),S(0)), where var is a variable potential density difference which corresponds to constant temperature difference of 0.5 degree C

For more datail see Monterey, G., and S. Levitus, 1997: Seasonal variability of mixed layer depth for the World Ocean. NOAA Atlas, NESDIS 14, 100 pp., Washington, D.C.