Read instruction

To read, e.g., 'mld.t.01' in FORTRAN use:


real mld(360,180)
open (unit=11,file='mld.t.01',status='old')
read (11,333) mld
333 format (10f10.2)

Missing value is -99.99

(about 7% of grid points in the beginning of each mld file is filled
with -99.99 which corresponds to Antarctica)

The definition of coordinates is illustrated by the following examples:

i= 1 is 0.5 E
i=180 is 179.5 E
i=181 is 179.5 W
i=360 is 0.5 W

j= 1 is 89.5 S
j= 90 is 0.5 S
j= 91 is 0.5 N
j=180 is 89.5 N